Sunday, January 29, 2023

Blog Post #2: Other People's Children-- The Silenced Dialogue by Lisa Delpit (Argument)

             In "The Silenced Dialogue" from Other People's Children, author Lisa Delpit argues that there is a "culture of power" within classrooms, a reality that many people disregard or simply don't listen to, which effectively silences anybody that attempts to challenge these societal norms.  Delpit analyzes various teaching strategies, noting aspects such as race and class, with an overall goal of identifying the methods that are best for educating children, particular those of color. Within this "culture," there are certain 'rules' and 'codes.' These rules involve things like ways of talking, dressing, interacting, and writing. Although it is important to celebrate and respect diversity and individuality, educators cannot be blind to the existence of a dominant culture, or a "white man's world," in which minorities are often the 'outsider,' stereotyped, or wrongfully judged due to preconceived notions. Cross-cultural communication must be not just done well, but done in the first place! These consistent communication blocks are harmful and can display to students that alternate worldviews don't matter as much. Delpit also highlights that progressive, or more liberal stances can be just as silencing as those who are hardly progressive. She notes an example of a Native American student who's writing was flawed due to technical and language barriers. Some faculty of the education program believed that the student shouldn't have gotten into the program, in general, and some of the 'progressives' felt that Delpit simply raising the issue was a direct jab at the student and her lack of abilities stemming from a cultural difference. The goal, ultimately, for every teacher, should be to accept students regardless of their background and to take the responsibility to teach them in accordance with the 'mainstream' society. Establish the voice and skills of a child and prepare them for what comes next, and what goes beyond the classroom, especially black students and/or lower-income students. 

Point of Discussion: A part from this text that stood out to me when I was reading was when Delpit mentions how white people and educators will often stand by research rather than the actual experiences of their non-white counterparts and colleagues. Delpit includes the perspective of a black principle, who stated, "They wear blinders and earplugs. They only want to go on research they've read that other white people have written." (Delpit 22) This was thought-provoking because this action may be a defense tactic that white people don't even realize they're doing, when in reality they are dismissing the opinions of people of color and implicitly trusting the opinions of the white "author."

Link~ Keynote Speech by Lisa Delpit

^ The beginning shares a little bit about Delpit and her expertise and her speech is about culturally responsive teaching.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Blog Post #1: Privilege, Power, and Difference by Alan Johnson (Quotes)


  In Privilege, Power, and Difference, author Alan Johnson examines social differences, primarily race, gender, and sexual orientation, and how they have caused "trouble" in the world, for years and years. While these differences have, of course, caused a lot of hate and violence in the world, they have also created an array of barriers and stigmas that lead to difficulties in remedying these issues. Johnson asserts that “We can’t talk about it if we can’t use the words.” (Johnson 11) Many people have an instant negative reaction to words surrounding this topic, such as any word ending with ‘-ism,’ or they simply do not want to associate themselves with those words, as they are often deemed “taboo” or impolite. However, change towards oppression and its many forms cannot be tackled until you can recognize it, and once you name it, you can then think, talk about, and even reclaim it. 

        Another eye-opening quote covers the economic gender cap and general divides within the workplace, stating “The glass ceiling that lets women see the executive suite but keeps them from being promoted to it is as thick as ever…” (Johnson 3) Here, the author conveys the lack of respect for females and the ways in which they are consistently taken less seriously or treated inferiorly. Oftentimes, companies don’t trust placing a woman into a higher position, as they may adhere to a stereotypical way of thinking in which women are incapable, too emotional, too weak, and more. This goes to show that in society, at the tip of the hierarchy lies the straight, white male, and this reading explains how advantageous this role can be. 

Later on in the reading, Johnson touches on the “luxury of obliviousness,” stating that

“To be white in America means not having to think about it.” (Johnson 25) This quote

highlights an almost ‘hidden’ privilege, in the sense that just the status of being white gives us less of a reason to pay attention to other races and their potential struggles, as we are always provided with the proper resources and always

made to feel secure and comfortable, something minorities often can’t relate to. It is this “obliviousness” that should be mended into awareness– a task that requires effort and commitment. Johnson ensures that this awareness doesn’t not mean taking blame, but simply an acknowledgement of how our lives are shaped and led based on our identity and the social reality. 

Point of discussion: Johnson mentions something that I found thought-provoking, which was that “Whites don’t have to deal with the endless and exhausting stream of attention to their race.” This is true and it’s interesting how white people are so visible that they can be invisible, in a sense. Some could argue that they have no real racial identity, and therefore do not have to deal with the weight of the matter. White privilege in most cases prevents a person from moving through life being identified as “an outsider.” These situations can be prominent in schools, especially those lacking in diversity, which could affect academic performance or negative feelings towards school.    

The proverbial "glass ceiling"...

Link to the popular, educational book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Introduction w/ Pictures

I love to bike, especially in the summer.

I love candy and have a big sweet tooth!

Blog Post #10: “The Future of Healing” by Shawn Ginwright (Argument)

    In “The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement” by Shawn Ginwright, he discusses a new str...